Tissue wise SNP Discovery from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs)   Help!    Procedure!

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal, India

National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid

Tissue wise SNP Discovery from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) database provides a user-friendly web interface for data query, visualization and analysis. User can query the database by species name, tissue name, chromosome name and gene name.

Output options are also available to filter the search. Output field settings include dbsnpid, gene name, chromosome name, contig and sequence. User can select species name (example-Pig, Cow, Chicken, Goat etc.) from the dropdown menu and select tissue or chromosome or gene name from another dropdown menu, type the tissue name or chromosome name or gene name in the textbox, select output option and then click submit button.

For example if user want to fetch records on the basis of gene name and chromosome for liver tissue and pig species, select pig species and then select tissue, input liver in textbox and select gene name and chromosome name from the output settings and then click submit button.

Records of Tissue wise SNP Discovery from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are linked to their respective databases for example gene name are linked to Ensembl database for complete information and SNP id if present are linked to dbSnp database.